
Well, I was wondering how beautiful feeling it is to lead an anonymous life where you are carefree of people being judgmental so you stay true to yourself, and pour your heart out in different ways. And this is the reason you find anonymous writers on every other social platforms and abusers abusing without giving a thought.

But then, it’s also heart-wrenching to know the reason behind it. It’s sad how some people scream at the top of their lung for help but find no one to share with so they choose the life of anonymity, and the reason is obvious.

Isn’t it amazing how people find their way out for every problems and end up creating other problems being unaware of it. Well, you can’t do anything about it for that you need to think, about others too and that’s only possible if you come out of your little bubble.

It’s also sad how we expect every other people to be honest but can’t stand the truth when told. Because, I feel, we are unaware of the consequences when we ask them to be honest, and true and get devastated when we are mentally unprepared to face it.

I don’t know if this is the same reason every sort of people wear masks to hide behind it. It’s funny, even they forget that they have it on their face. But, let’s be honest about it, for a moment, how many times there were moments when you asked people genuine questions without actually meaning it for you don’t care about their answers? I’m sure almost every day. How many times you feel safe hiding your true self, fearing being vulnerable will cost you your self- confidence? I’m sure you got your answer.

It’s really beautiful feeling being anonymous, you feel connected to yourself. But, for them, who use anonymous life because they are in pain and can’t reveal their truself; who carry insecurities with them and who want help from others, know that there are some people who are there to help when you need them, you just need to identify them. Know that you are a living social creature who needs people for your happy survival. Know that just because you have seen only dark place doesn’t really mean world is a dark place to live in. You just need to find them who are worthy of your time and who understand your vulnerability. Also, we should be empathetic towards people around us for you never know which battel they are fighting in their life. As a responsible person too, it’s your duty to take care of your loved ones. Happiness only increases when you share it 🙂